About the document generic events
These are events that do not fall under any of the other document event categories.
The events that occur for the document generic commands (in alphabetical order) are shown in the following lists in the sequence that they occur.
Change Document Type event sequence
- DocGenericEvent_PrepareCommand
- DocGenericEvent_InitializeChangeDocumentType
- DocGenericEvent_BeforeChangeDocumentType
- DocGenericEvent_AfterChangeDocumentType
- DocGenericEvent_BeforeNewDocument
- DocGenericEvent_OnProperties1
- DocGenericEvent_AfterNewDocument
- DocGenericEvent_TerminateChangeDocumentType
Delete event sequence
- DocGenericEvent_PrepareCommand
- DocGenericEvent_InitializeDelete
- DocGenericEvent_BeforeDelete
- DocGenericEvent_AfterDelete
- DocGenericEvent_TerminateDelete
Draft Print event sequence1
- DocGenericEvent_PrepareCommand
- DocGenericEvent_InitializePrint
- DocGenericEvent_BeforePrint
- DocGenericEvent_AfterPrint
- DocGenericEvent_TerminatePrint
Issue New Filename event sequence
- DocGenericEvent_PrepareCommand
- DocGenericEvent_InitializeCalculateFileName
- DocGenericEvent_TerminateCalculateFileName
New Document event sequence4
- DocGenericEvent_InitializeNewDocument3
- DocGenericEvent_InitializeCalculateFileName3
- DocGenericEvent_BeforeNewDocument
- ProjectWorkflowEvent_PrepareBrowser5
- ProjectWorkflowEvent_InitializeExpandItem5
- ProjectWorkflowEvent_BeforeExpandItem5
- DocGenericEvent_DocumentFolderSelected5
- DocGenericEvent_OnProperties3
- ProjectWorkflowEvent_PrepareBrowser6
- ProjectWorkflowEvent_InitializeExpandItem6
- ProjectWorkflowEvent_BeforeExpandItem6
- DocGenericEvent_DocumentFolderSelected6
- DocGenericEvent_AfterNewDocument
- DocGenericEvent_BeforeCalculateFileName8
- DocGenericEvent_AfterCalculateFileName8
- DocGenericEvent_TerminateCalculateFileName3
- DocGenericEvent_TerminateNewDocument3
Open in Application event sequence2
- DocGenericEvent_PrepareCommand
- DocGenericEvent_InitializeOpenInApplication
- DocGenericEvent_BeforeOpenInApplication
- DocGenericEvent_AfterOpenInApplication
- DocGenericEvent_TerminateOpenInApplication
Prepare for Offline Work event sequence1
- DocGenericEvent_PrepareCommand
- DocGenericEvent_InitializePrepareForOffline
- DocGenericEvent_BeforePrepareForOffline
- DocGenericEvent_AfterPrepareForOffline
- DocGenericEvent_TerminatePrepareForOffline
Redline event sequence
- DocGenericEvent_PrepareCommand
- DocGenericEvent_BeforeEditRedlines
- DocGenericEvent_AfterEditRedlines
Refresh Thumbnail event sequence1
- DocGenericEvent_PrepareCommand
- DocGenericEvent_InitializeUpdateThumbnail7
- DocGenericEvent_BeforeUpdateThumbnail
- DocGenericEvent_AfterUpdateThumbnail
- DocGenericEvent_TerminateUpdateThumbnail7
Rename event sequence
- DocGenericEvent_PrepareCommand
- DocGenericEvent_InitializeRename
- DocGenericEvent_BeforeRename
- DocGenericEvent_AfterRename
- DocGenericEvent_TerminateRename
Replace Content event sequence1
- DocGenericEvent_PrepareCommand
- DocGenericEvent_BeforeReplaceContent9
- DocGenericEvent_AfterReplaceContent9
- Does not occur in Web Access
- Occurs in Web Access when documents are downloaded.
- Does not occur when new documents are created by the Document Import Tool in PowerUser.
- Does not occur when new documents are created by the Database Import Wizard in Configurator.
- Occurs only if Client.Confirmation (AS_CONFIRM_NO_SELECTPROJECTWIZARD) = False and Document.ParentFolder is not a valid folder.
- Occurs only if Client.Confirmation (AS_CONFIRM_NO_SELECTPROJECTWIZARD) = True and Document.ParentFolder is not a valid folder.
- Does not occur if the Refresh thumbnail button on the Document page is clicked.
- Occurs only if an expression is configured for the Calculate file name option of the document type.
Occurs only in Web Access if the option Enable Web Access client components is enabled, the document is not found in the local workspace, and the user manually selects a file to upload.
Each of the document generic event procedures is described in the following topics.